Susan Harris’ Story
Find out about Susan’s experience with the Breast Health Center and why she so highly recommends it.
Meet Susan Harris, a breast cancer survivor.
How did you find out you had breast cancer?
Susan works at Belleville East High School. The school had a health fair in conjunction with Memorial Hospital Belleville. She was asked if she thought enough women would get mammograms performed if the van came. She said, “That would be great; I’m a couple months behind on mine. What easier way than to walk out of my office and have it done. And that is how I was diagnosed.”
What were the next steps in your care?
She had to make an appointment with a surgeon, and she had hers with Dr. Barnett. She had a biopsy procedure in the Breast Health Center, and a week later, at her appointment with Dr. Barnett, she was told she had breast cancer.
What were some of the questions you had about your diagnosis?
The first question that came to her mind was, “Am I going to be okay?” She knew that women diagnosed today have a much higher survival rate than they used to. Dr. Barnett assured her that with the type of cancer she had she would be fine; she would just have to go through some treatments and get a mastectomy.
Talk about the staff at the Breast Health Center.
Susan said they were very wonderful. It is very scary to be told you need a biopsy. She had always had to come back for second views; it was a routine thing for her. Then, when they told her she needed to get a biopsy, she realized it was more serious. They literally had to take her by the hand and walk her through it, and they were very reassuring and calm. The team really made her feel better about the whole process.
Would you recommend the Breast Health Center to a friend?
She highly recommends it. She said, “If you are needing a mammogram, don’t put it off.” Susan believes a lot of women think of themselves last. They are used to being caregivers and aren’t used to taking care of themselves. She had religiously got her mammograms every year, but that year she was almost six months behind because of things that had been going on in her life. If she not had her mammogram at that health fair, who knows what a couple more months might have meant in her life. It’s important for women to have their mammogram on time each year. Susan recommends Memorial Hospital, because they are so caring and make it so easy.

Survivor Stories
Some Breast Health Center of Excellence patients shared their stories with us.